Here are the cold hard facts on what is really going on in America. If any life matters you will read this, call your leaders in your State and In Washington D.C and stand up for truth.
People who drink and kill others are responsible for 88,000 plus deaths a year in America.
People who kill others with guns are responsible for over 33,000 deaths in America. (the majority of these guns are illegally obtained)
Based on the facts it would seem we have an alcohol problem in America , in reality we have a problem with people, people who have no respect for life.
Sadly people who kill babies for profit and choice will kill over 1,000,000 babies this year again.
The problem is we are lovers of self, serving the wrong god, unchecked against righteousness, we live unrighteously,we love our money, our freedoms,we have become self made kings of our own kingdoms, when you give yourself permission to live as you please there is always and only hell to pay.
Facts don't lie only those hiding something who want to manipulate you do.
CDC - Fact Sheets-Alcohol Use And Health - Alcohol
Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973