Saturday, January 2, 2016

Lost in America

I have seen a lot of people including family that go to the doctor and find out they are dying, and never knew they were even sick they lived normal lives and daily activities but inside they were dying and soon after they leave the doctors there time has come.

Sin is like this, except sin is curable unlike many diseases, the problem is most people don't recognize they are sinners dying and lost without Jesus Christ.

A minister said years ago, The problem in America is not getting people saved. They all think that they are saved already.

The problem is getting them lost.

Jesus said He came to redeem not condemn, but if we reject Him we condemn ourselves. If the cure for sin and death is within your grasp won't you reach up and grab Him?

Jesus preached repent for the kingdom of God has come, we are sinners, we all were lost at one time , no exception. The difference between the redeemed and the condemned is one has realized their need for a Savior and repented the other has not.

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.— 1 John 1:8