Friday, March 7, 2014


God felt the marriage union so important that He set certain laws that deal with this relationship. He knew marriage is not only finding the right mate; it is also becoming the right mate. Therefore, He wants the husband to give specific attention to developing a meaningful and lasting relationship with his wife. The next few guides will deal with the husband's responsibilities in making the marriage work.
So important was a man's attention to his marriage and mate that in the Old Testament God insisted: When a man has taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war or be charged with any business; he shall be free at home one year, and bring happiness to his wife whom he has taken (Deuteronomy 24:5). That law was given so newly married couples could develop mutual trust and tenderness. It emphasizes for modern men the importance of developing right relationships in their marriages.
After World War II, we reaped a whirlwind of divorces because of marriages hastily arranged just before the husband went off to fight. How much wiser we would have been, and how many good women and men would not have been deeply scarred, if we had taken God's commandments more seriously. This is not to suggest we keep the Old Testament commandment of one year's reprieve from responsibility. Our society is much different today. However, we should remember God did not take marriage vows lightly, and He still wants us to grow together so our marriages will carry us through our failures as well as our successes.

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