Thursday, December 31, 2015

Doctor's vs Guns.

While the President and his propaganda machine continue to go after guns again look at the truth and see for yourself that guns are not nor have ever been the problem.

According to the report there are about 33,000 gun related deaths a year in the U.S about the same as traffic deaths. 

While this is a tragedy it has never been a gun that killed someone, another person took someone’s life the majority of these deaths are gang related ( illegal guns) and Suicide.

Now look at the medical deaths caused by negligence 

Did you click on the link an estimated 210,000 people will die because of someone’s error?

 But yet we are not hearing about hospital cleaning controls, or doctor control, or nurse control or furthering their education to protect us. 

Yet almost 7 times as many people die going in for routine surgery or visits because of human error. As a matter of fact it is the 3rd highest death rate, (not including abortion, don’t even get me going here) in our Nation.

If the government was truly concerned about the welfare and safety of our citizen’s, they would undertake and put in procedures that would protect every one of us from these dire odds of hospital and doctors’ visits.

Now I know I am being sarcastic.

 I truly have nothing against our medical community, I thank God for them and the jobs they do and the amount of time they devote to you and I our well-being.

My point is human error is human error, whether someone is driving a car, or going in for gallbladder surgery you can’t regulate it, sadly sometimes things just happen, and you cannot regulate evil either there are evil people out there that will kill and destroy no matter what weapon they choose if they shoot someone or drive their car into a crowd.

It is time we stop talking about removing the rights of law abiding citizen’s, punish the criminal for their act and hold them accountable for their choices.

My choice is to protect my family from tyranny of any form and to stand up for the rights I have been given by God by being placed in this Nation as a citizen with guaranteed rights in the Constitution of the United States of America.

As we approach the elections this next year, let us remember elections have consequences that have eroded our rights over the last 26 years.

There are about 270 million guns owned in America

Do the math, there are 5759 hospitals with 955,xxx beds

You have a better chance of dying at the doctor’s office or hospital than ever being shot. But a politician with an agenda would never tell you the truth.

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